Coal mine heavy vehicle fire extinguishing system

News 77

Coal mine heavy vehicle fire extinguishing system

As a solid shield for the safety of mining vehicles and coal mine underground vehicles, the mine car automatic fire extinguishing system can provide a full range of fire protection for mining vehicle fires such as loaders, support trucks, shearers, scrapers, trackless rubber-tyred vehicles, etc. Efficient solutions for monitoring, fire warning and automatic fire prevention and extinguishing.

As one of the important disasters for mine safety, mine car fires are sudden and flammable and can cause large fire losses in a short period of time. With the development of mine mechanization, scale and large-scale, The frequency of minecart fires gradually increased. At the same time, due to the high cost of most mine cars and the strong spread of fire, once a fire occurs, it must be put out at an extremely fast speed to avoid causing heavy property losses and casualties. Therefore, the protection of mining vehicle fires depends on the timely discovery, effective analysis and rapid disposal of potential hazards. The mine car automatic fire extinguishing system adopts intelligent fire monitoring and fine spray fire extinguishing technology to truly detect and solve fire hazards early and realize scientific, intelligent and unmanned management and control of mining vehicle fires.

Advantages of mine car automatic fire extinguishing system/device:

1. All-round, all-weather real-time monitoring: Use fire source detectors to collect temperature, flame and other signals in the protection area in real time to achieve multi-dimensional, no-dead corners fire monitoring.

2. High fire identification accuracy: Through real-time collection, transmission and analysis of fire signals, fires can be identified in a timely manner, with high fire identification accuracy and no missed reports.

3. The system is highly intelligent: automatic detection, automatic transmission, automatic identification, automatic alarm, and automatic fire extinguishing.

4. Low system operation and maintenance costs: The equipment is highly integrated, lightweight, has low power consumption, and can be managed remotely.

5. Strong scalability: The system can meet a variety of different fire extinguishing needs through professionally customized and scalable fire extinguishing solutions according to its own fire extinguishing needs.

The mine car automatic fire prevention and extinguishing system is guided by active detection and independent defense. It forms an all-round, integrated and precise protection without blind spots before, during and after the disaster. It meets various needs such as automatic fire extinguishing and manual fire extinguishing, and enhances the safety of coal mines. and fire early warning and defense capabilities for non-coal mining enterprises, quickly and effectively respond to vehicle fire accidents, and play an important role in mine safety and fire protection construction.