Mining wheele loader fire suppression system

News 81

Mining wheele loader fire suppression system

In the context of the rapid development of mining economy and fire protection technology, in order to solve the fire protection needs of mining vehicles and comply with the development trend of the times, special customized fire extinguishing products such as automatic fire extinguishing systems for coal mining vehicles and special water-based automatic fire extinguishing devices for mining vehicle engine rooms, Taking a new approach, through intelligent and unmanned technological innovation, we can effectively realize real-time detection of initial fires in mining vehicles and actively extinguish fires, forming multi-dimensional, all-weather, no blind spots, and precise real-time fire protection against mining vehicle fires.

The coal mining vehicle automatic fire extinguishing device/system is an innovative vehicle-based intelligent fire extinguishing device that can realize real-time detection of initial vehicle fires and active fire extinguishing, and form a multi-dimensional, all-weather, no-dead-angle, accurate real-time fire situation for mining vehicle fires. Protection, its advantageous features are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Simple operation, meeting a variety of different fire extinguishing needs

2. Automate all necessary steps: fire detection, transmission, analysis, control and extinguishing

3. No power required, stronger safety

4. Low maintenance, effectively reducing business operating costs

5. Rapidly detect and extinguish initial fires to minimize fire losses.

The automatic fire extinguishing system for coal mining vehicles aims to adhere to early detection, early warning, early detection and early disposal, establish and improve the emergency response mechanism for mining vehicle fires, strengthen risk monitoring in flammable spaces such as vehicle engine rooms, and effectively ensure vehicle fire safety. In the future, we will continue to explore new technologies and innovate new processes to provide strong fire safety guarantees for fire protection of industrial and mining vehicles, power systems and industrial equipment in my country.