Mine car engine room fire extinguishing system

News 79

Mine car engine room fire extinguishing system

Mine car automatic fire extinguishing systems, mining vehicle engine room automatic fire extinguishing devices, and vehicle-mounted water-based automatic fire extinguishing equipment are supporting fire extinguishing products for industrial and mining vehicle fire protection. They not only effectively solve the problem of mining vehicles and engineering machinery equipment in coal mines, gold mines, copper mines, etc. It has effectively improved the fire safety performance of its vehicles and has been widely installed and applied in mining companies in many places to provide a set of efficient, safe and intelligent special vehicle fire prevention and extinguishing solutions.

As we all know, industrial and mining vehicles operate in harsh environments and have poor operating conditions. During long-term operation, fire accidents are often caused due to overheating of the engine compartment and frequent braking. This has led to a surge in the demand for high-performance and professional fire-extinguishing products from mining companies. As an intelligent and independent automatic fire extinguishing equipment for special vehicles, the mine car automatic fire extinguishing system/device not only breaks the technical barriers of traditional fire extinguishing, but also effectively solves the difficulty of vehicle fire detection, slow fire extinguishing response and lag gender and other issues, contributing to the development of smart mines.

Basic introduction to mine car automatic fire extinguishing system/device:

1. Professionally customize fire extinguishing plans based on different vehicle models, protective space size and fire extinguishing needs to achieve one-to-one professional and efficient fire extinguishing.

2. The system integrates fire detection, alarm and fire extinguishing, thereby achieving comprehensive and accurate protection against fires in flammable areas such as vehicle engine compartments, battery boxes, tires, and vehicle power distribution boxes.

3. Compared with traditional fire extinguishing products, it not only increases the performance of automatic fire detection, analysis, alarm and fire extinguishing, but also improves the timeliness and intelligence, effectively realizing the small, early and effective vehicle fire extinguishing. Initial principles.

The mine car automatic fire extinguishing system can make use of distributed fire detection technology and refined sprinkler fire extinguishing technology, through differentiated settings of fire source detection, number of sprinklers and starting temperature, and combined with the actual fire extinguishing needs of customers, to achieve The purpose of rapid response to vehicle fires and efficient fire extinguishing. At the same time, combined with high-efficiency water-based fire extinguishing agents, it can effectively protect the safety of vehicles and equipment while quickly suppressing and controlling the fire to achieve efficient fire extinguishing. It can effectively ensure the safety of vehicles and personnel after extinguishing the fire, without causing secondary damage to vehicles and equipment, and is highly safe and environmentally friendly.

The research and development design of the mine car automatic fire extinguishing system/device not only introduces the fire protection concepts of smart fire protection and green fire protection, but also realizes the integrated automatic control of vehicle fires. It is of great significance for the intelligent construction of mines and fire safety in different fields such as ports, oil fields, petrochemicals, and agriculture. The construction is of great significance as it builds a protective barrier for the safety of its vehicles and away from fire damage.